Anthony R. Stevens (STEVENSA@AUSVM1.VNET.IBM.COM) suggests that as soon as you enter this level, that you turn and move left to save your game, then turn right (from facing the panel), and open the secret door (blue and white striped) to get to a good stash of
In the area where one of the huge aliens were located and the lava
flows waay off to the left, there is a small passage several feet
back into the lava and to the right. There are two things you
can do with this: The left and right walls of this passage
actually have corridors that you can drop into, one containing
a good refill of SPNKR missiles. Furthermore, if you continue
into lava passage, one of the left walls has a secret door, behind
which an invincibility powerup lies...this can get you to a 2x
shield generator that is in the lava and then to another of the
large monsters (and near the exit as well).
Also, if you are at full 3x shields, and have killed off all the
larger Pfhor, then follow the lava around the bend, and about midway to the next opening, you'll seen an alcove up to the left with a Hunter in it. Kill the hunter, then launch yourself up to the
alcove with a rocket. There's a secret door that will lead you
to a invisiblity powerup and Bungie's tip panel. (Suggested by
Deacon (
An alternative way of getting to the tip panel is supplied by
In the alcove where you transported into the level, turn
around and face the wall. Open the door that was at your back.
In that room there's a 3x recharge and a teleporter on a
raised platform that you have to grenade jump to get on top of. [Ed: This is that column-like thing in the center of the room]
The teleporter takes you to [the above room].
From Conrad Wong (
From where you start, turn around, and go through the blue-and-white striped door, where the 3x recharger is on the left. Up the pressure-sensitive plate, across and to the other end where there's a door. There's that big Pfhor onthe left and the hunter on the right.
Okay -- the center of the room is a bridge; you can walk through to what looks like another door on the other side, but the other door won't open. (it's marked with radiation seals, just like the first door into this room) But if you go off the bridge and look under, you'll find a passage linking one half of the room to the other half. Go into it. The door will open.
The door will stay open, so you can just take the passage out and
then navigate back to this room... Inside the newly revealed alcove is an invisibility power-up. I don't know if it's terribly useful, but you canuse it to sneak past Pfhors in the next level, maybe. If it lasts that long.
The exit to the level may be gotten to from the one large room that contained the mammoth Pfhor, with the walkway separating the room down the middle (and there's no lava around). *After* the Pfhor is destroyed and you are back at full power, leave by the exit in the corner of the room. You will ride two pressure-activated platforms, then follow the passageway, turning right at the end of this passageway. You should go past lots of teleporters, but ignore these and proceed to the terminal at the end of the hallway for the jump-out point.
It's possible to finish the level without ever leaving the
first room.
Make sure the rocket launcher has two missiles, and that you
have full triple health. Position yourself to the left of
the shield regenerator (as you face it). Face away from the
wall, and point the launcher at the floor. Fire two missiles
in succession (I don't believe that one is sufficient). If
you move backward when you reach your apex, you will be in
the niche opposite the final terminal. Just walk across, and
you're done.
From Brian Jones (
Once you kill the baddies in each ring, you need to press two buttons to raise the stairs. In the first two rings, you can do this while actually standing on the stairs. Use the fusion pistol, and take a couple of aiming shots. Then fire a megablast, and it will trip the switch. This is especially helpful on the second ring you get to; otherwise, you have to grenade hop, and you need all the health you can get.
From Nobuhiko Yoshida (
It's possible to clear first ring without fighting at all.
After picking up the ammo, go down to the lower room, i.e.
first ring room. Turn on both switches by Fusion Pistol.
Don't move about. You can turn on both switches from where
you landed. Until then the Troopers don't know your
existence. Now run to the staircase along with the left
wall. Pass by the Troppers. Go up the staircase and turn left
and go up another staircase. That's it. The S'Pnts fight on
your behalf. One or two Troopers will survive, but they never
come go upstairs. You may leave them alive.
From David Barabe (
There are three rings to get through on this level. Entry
to the third ring is provided by a set of 3 teleporters. Instead of teleporting, try opening a teleporter like a door; the back will open (on any one of the three teleporters) and you can go through without transporting to the third ring. There's a little maze behind there, where you can pick up some ammo by finding another secret door on the east side of the little maze. Then, you can transport to a room with lots-o-monsters and a terminal with special notes from the Bungie staff. Another teleporter takes you back to the previous set of three transporters.
From Anthony R. Stevens (STEVENSA@AUSVM1.VNET.IBM.COM):
there is a switch on the wall in the secret maze that
changes the computer terminal in the first room to a